Rules -
Donation Rules -
If you donate and charge back, you will automatically lose your items and or classes that you donated for
General Rules -
Don't be toxic
Any abuse or exploits is not tolerated and a bannable offense
Do not mic spam unless you have DJ Job
Do not scam anyone in game or with stuff regarding store.
Do not metagame
You may not advertise other servers
NLR is 3 minutes
Do not impersonate staff members
Any DDOS threat and or mention of it will result in immediate ban
Any and all racism will not be tolerated and results in a ban
Fake admins calls will result in a kick
Chargebacks on Paypal donations for ingame stuff is an immediate ban from the server
Impersonating staff is a bannable offense
Do not demote players while staff are on
Do not run into spawn to avoid RP Situation
There is no RP in spawn
Do not prop minge or surf
Do not change your name to avoid punishment
Do not RDM
Do not micspam (unless DJ Job)
Building Rules -
Fading door limit is 3 doors protecting your items.
A double fading door counts as two doors, a triple fading door counts as 3
One way props are allowed
You cannot have a base that requires special tools/prop climb. It must be raid-able by a single person using a lock-pick and/or keypad-cracker.
You cannot have a sky-base, rooftops that are not explicitly part of the base (door leading to it)
You can have a crouch base
Placing a building sign prevents you from being raided, but you may not have any entities or any form of making money. This is a ban-able offense
KoS signs are not allowed but you may have Loitering signs. Minimum time for a loiterer to be killed is 5 seconds
Trespassing makes you KoS. This means if you trespass someone's house while they are "building" you will die. If it is a public base, you must be warned to leave first.
You must have your keypads in plain sight and it must be next to the door
Your base must have a clear path through. This means no full blackout/super dark bases, invisible bases, or maze bases where the path is not obvious
Keypads may not have any delay on them opening. EX: Your keypad has a 30-second delay but then opens for 5 seconds. (To avoid confusion and unnecessary sits.)
You may not use/hide inside no-collided props to avoid being damaged, arrested, raided, etc
Building/loitering signs must be size 30 or larger, be easily visible, and near the main entrance of the base.
Do not abuse non-destructible entities when building your base. This means using them for anything other than their intended purpose.
You may only base in one spot at a time.
Do not fading door abuse. Fading door abuse is when you explicitly use bound key to toggle the door during any rp situation like kidnapping, being raided, being arrested, etc.
A public base is a place with open doors such as a restaurant. For your base to be considered a public base, you must place a sign indicating it as a "Public Base." You may not have money-making entities inside/it will be treated as a building sign. If the base does have closed and locked doors and the owners refuse to let you in that room, the base is considered raid-able.
Destroying your entities during a raid on your base to avoid them being stolen is FailRP.
You cannot take over a large portion of the map and the portion of the map cannot be a hotspot (Ex: In front of PD)
Megabasing is not allowed(unless certain job like (Hitler))
Civil Protection Rules -
You cannot assist criminals or commit crimes
You are not allowed to be corrupt
Past the second PD door is Arrest on Sight unless said otherwise
All doors in PD are allowed to be locked (not including the first door)
You can build roadblocks/base/build checkpoints/ do what you gotta do with the Police Captain or Mayors permission
Becoming a Cop job so that someone else can raid the PD is FailRP/job abuse.
Cops require a valid warrant in order to raid a base. Raiding a base without a warrant is FailRP.
Mayor Laws -
You cannot assist criminals or commit crimes
Make your laws something that your officers can enforce, you cannot make rules that allow players/CP to kill each other
You can not make a law to make someone above the law
You can override any default law except for making killing, printers, or stealing legal
Your laws must follow some sort of RP guidelines.
You can not make laws that force players to put a specific prop/item in front of their base
You cannot make laws that hinder CPs from doing their job properly
Cooldowns -
Mugging - 10 Minutes (20 for same person)
Raping - 10 Minutes (20 for same person)
Raiding - 10 Minutes (20 for same person)
Kidnapping - 10 Minutes (20 for same person)
PD Raid - 20 Minutes (if someone calls it, its global advert and everyone must wait the 20 minutes)
Bank Raid - 20 Minutes (if someone calls it, its global advert and everyone must wait the 20 minutes)
Raiding Rules -
Killing the cop/mugger who has just fined/mugged you after you paid a fine is FailRP
Killing someone to save them from being fined/arrested is FailRP.
You may not call a raid or PD heist while inside the building
You cannot call a PD raid for the sole purpose of killing people in the lobby
Staff Rules -
Any type of abuse will not be tolerated
If an higher up is abusing, have video or picture proof and send to CrimsonTaco
Spawning stuff for you and your friends will result in termination of rank and 2 days ban.
3 Warns - Kick
5 Warns - Kick
7 Warns - 1 Week Ban
10 Warn - Permanent Ban
Have Fun!